India Says Zoom ‘Not a Safe Problem’ For Video Conferencing

India is the latest country to denounce videoconferencing software Zoom, calling it “not a safe platform.” Reuters reports: “Zoom is a not a safe platform,” the Cyber Coordination Centre (CyCord) of India’s ministry of home affairs said in a 16-page advisory. The government body also provided guidelines on how to avoid unauthorized users from carrying out malicious acts while using the…

India Says Zoom ‘Not a Safe Platform’ For Video Conferencing

India is the latest country to denounce videoconferencing software Zoom, calling it “not a safe platform.” Reuters reports: “Zoom is a not a safe platform,” the Cyber Coordination Centre (CyCord) of India’s ministry of home affairs said in a 16-page advisory. The government body also provided guidelines on how to avoid unauthorized users from carrying out malicious acts while using the…

Man Says He’s Fallen in Love With an AI Chatbot

“Quarantine amid coronavirus could boost the nascent practice of seeking romance and friendship from artificial intelligence,” writes the Wall Street Journal. Long-time Slashdot reader Strudelkugel quotes their report: Relationships were once built face to face. Now dating happens online. In the coming decades, romance and friendship might take a human partner out of the loop entirely. Michael Acadia’s partner is an…

Startups, VCs in India Request ‘Relief Package’ From the Government To Fight Coronavirus Disruption

More than six dozen startup founders, venture capitalists and lobby groups in India have requested the government to grant them a “robust relief package” to help combat severe disruptions their businesses face due to the coronavirus outbreak. From a report: In a joint letter to India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, startups requested the government to bankroll 50% of their workforce’s salaries…