Reddit’s Former CEO Is Now In the Forest-Planting Business

Terraformation, a startup led by Yishan Wong, former CEO of Reddit, is demonstrating an approach to reforest the planet quickly enough to fight climate change. Fast Company reports: Trees can play a key role in capturing carbon at scale — by one estimate, nearly a trillion hectares of land could feasibly be reforested, and those trees could potentially store more than…

These Drones Will Plant 40,000 Trees in a Month. By 2028, They’ll Have Planted 1 Billion

Earlier this month, on land north of Toronto that previously burned in a wildfire, drones hovered over fields and fired seed pods into the ground, planting native pine and spruce trees to help restore habitat for birds. From a report: Flash Forest, the Canadian startup behind the project, plans to use its technology to plant 40,000 trees in the area this…

The World’s First Carbon Dioxide Removal Law Database

Today, researchers at Columbia University launched the world’s first database of carbon dioxide removal laws, providing an annotated bibliography of legal materials related to carbon dioxide removal and carbon sequestration and use. It is publicly available at Phys.Org reports: The site has 530 resources on legal issues related to carbon dioxide removal, including such techniques as: direct air capture; enhanced…

How everyone decided trees will save the planet – and why they won’t

Everyone seems to agree trees are a major solution to climate change, but there is a danger that mass reforestation could see us to continue pumping carbon into the atmosphere Source:…

Two Top Scientists Warn That The Amazon, and Earth, Have Reached a Tipping Point

An anonymous reader quotes the Washington Post: “The precious Amazon is teetering on the edge of functional destruction and, with it, so are we,” Thomas Lovejoy of George Mason University and Carlos Nobre of the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, both of whom have studied the world’s largest rainforest for decades, wrote in an editorial in the journal Science Advances….