Scientists Use Sound To See Around Corners

sciencehabit shares a report from Science Magazine: Spies may soon have another tool to carry out their shadowy missions: a new device that uses sound to “see” around corners. Previously, researchers developed gadgets that bounced light waves around corners to catch reflections and see things out of the line of sight. To see whether they could do something similar with sound,…

NASA Overcomes Military’s GPS Tweaks To Peer Inside Hurricanes

sciencehabit shares a report from Science Magazine: A constellation of eight microsatellites has harvested data that — if folded into the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA’s) weather models — could have sharpened forecasts of several recent hurricanes, including Michael, a category-5 storm in October 2018. But progress was hard-won for scientists on NASA’s $157 million Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System…

US astronomers speak on SpaceX Starlink satellites

The American Astronomical Society – chief organization for US astronomers – said it is in conversations with SpaceX about the impending launch of 12,000 Starlink satellites. The astronomers worry the satellites will interfere with their work of understanding the universe. Source:…

We’ve seen signs of a mirror-image universe that is touching our own

New experiments are revealing hints of a world and a reality that are complete reflections of ours. This mirrorverse may be able to solve the mystery of the universe’s missing dark matter Source:…

Apple Unveils 6K ‘Pro Display XDR’ Monitor That Starts At $5,000

One of the most ridiculous announcements made at Apple’s WWDC on Monday was the new Pro Display XDR monitor. It’s a monitor made to pair with the new Mac Pro, complete with top-level specs and a staggering $5,000 starting price. CNET reports: The monitor’s chief feature is high-dynamic range, aka HDR. Doing HDR correctly requires a lot of horsepower to illuminate…

Study Claims Using Twitter Erodes Your Intelligence

Researchers at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan have discovered that Twitter-based classes actually hurts academic performance, according to the Washington Post:
The finding by a team of Italian researchers is not necessarily that the crush of hashtags, likes and retweets destroys brain cells; that’s a question for neuroscientists, they said. Rather, Twitter not only fails to enhance intellectual…