Stars pollute, but galaxies recycle

Galaxies were once thought of as lonely islands in the universe: clumps of matter floating through otherwise empty space. We now know they are surrounded by a much larger, yet nearly invisible cloud of dust and gas. Astronomers call it the circumgalactic medium, or CGM. The CGM acts as a giant recycling plant, absorbing matter ejected by the galaxy and later…

‘Ocean Cleanup’ Project Unveils New Solar-Powered Robot That Collects Plastic From Rivers

Today the Ocean Cleanup unveiled its new “Interceptor” solar-powered robot to collect waste plastic from rivers before it can enter the ocean, Fast Company reports: The system was designed by the nonprofit The Ocean Cleanup, which spent the past four years secretly developing and testing the technology while it continued to work on its main project — a device that can…

Space mice and robots among latest science heading into space from Wallops Island

Space mice, radiation vests, robotic avatars and recycling polymers for 3-D printers are among the science experiments bound for the International Space Station on the next commercial resupply mission from Virginia. Source:…

Milky Way raids intergalactic ‘bank accounts,’ Hubble study finds

Our Milky Way is a frugal galaxy. Supernovas and violent stellar winds blow gas out of the galactic disk, but that gas falls back onto the galaxy to form new generations of stars. In an ambitious effort to conduct a full accounting of this recycling process, astronomers were surprised to find a surplus of incoming gas. Source:…

Much Fridge Food ‘Goes There To Die’

Americans throw out a lot more food than they expect they will, food waste that is likely driven in part by ambiguous date labels on packages, a new study has found. From a report: “People eat a lot less of their refrigerated food than they expect to, and they’re likely throwing out perfectly good food because they misunderstand labels,” said Brian…

Pakistan Bans Single-Use Plastic Bags

In July, the coalition government of Prime Minister Imran Khan, who has been in power for the past year, announced a ban on disposable plastic bags in Islamabad and surrounding areas, including Saidpur. “When the ban takes effect on Aug. 14, residents may be fined about $70 for being caught using a bag — nearly a month’s wages for a laborer,”…

Can Robots Solve America’s Recycling Crisis?

CNBC reports that to solve America’s recycling crisis, “companies and municipalities are turning to AI-assisted robots.” The problem began last year when China, the world’s largest recyclable processor, stopped accepting most American scrap plastic and cardboard due to contamination problems, and a glut of plastics overwhelming its own processing facilities. Historically, China recycled the bulk of U.S. waste… The situation is…