SpaceX Mars Prototype Rocket Nails Landing For the First Time, But Explodes On Pad

A SpaceX rocket prototype, known as SN10, soared over South Texas during test flight Wednesday before swooping down to a pinpoint landing near its launch site. Approximately three minutes after landing, however, multiple independent video feeds showed the rocket exploding on its landing pad. CNN reports: SpaceX’s SN10, an early prototype of the company’s Starship Mars rocket, took off around 5:15…

Crew of mock lunar ‘biosphere’ grew food and made oxygen for 200 days

The inhabitants of China’s Lunar Palace biosphere lived on recycled oxygen and water, and grew their own food for a record-setting 200 days without outside intervention Source:…

Apple Has Bought Over 100 Companies Over the Past Six Years, Tim Cook Tells Investors

Apple Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook fielded questions on mergers and acquisitions, the impact of Covid-19, and the company’s supply chain during a virtual shareholder meeting on Tuesday. From a report: Narrating a slide show, Cook summarized many of the company’s new products and initiatives announced over the past year. He spoke about the latest iPhones and the growing potential of…

Vertical Farms Grow Veggies On Site At Restaurants and Grocery Stores

New Atlas reports on ag-tech company Vertical Field’s efforts to produce soil-based indoor vertical farms grown at the very location where food is consumed. From the report: The Vertical Field setup retains many of the advantages of hydroponic vertical farms, but instead of the plants growing in a nutrient-packed liquid medium, the container-based pods treat their crops to real soil, supplemented…

New study finds polyester fibers throughout the Arctic Ocean

A new study has found that pollution from microplastics is widespread in the Arctic Ocean, and 92% of those particles are minuscule synthetic fibers from our clothes. Source:…

Razer Has Created a Concept N95 Mask With RGB and Voice Projection

Razer has created a concept reusable N95 respirator called Project Hazel, featuring Chroma RGB LEDs and microphones and amplifiers to project your voice. The Verge reports: It’s a concept design with a glossy outside shell made of waterproof and scratch-resistant recycled plastic, which is transparent to allow for lip-reading and seeing facial cues when you chat with people. Currently, there isn’t…

How Amazon Wins: By Steamrolling Rivals and Partners

The Wall Street Journal: To keep customers happy, which Mr. Bezos has long said is Amazon’s fixation and growth strategy, executives behind the scenes have methodically waged targeted campaigns against rivals and partners alike — an approach that has changed little through the years, from diapers to footwear. No competitor is too small to draw Amazon’s sights. It cloned a line…

SpaceX Begins a Day With Two Falcon 9 Launches, Seventh Flight of a Recycled Rocket

While tonight will see SpaceX’s 16th launch of its broadband satellites, that launch will also make history, reports CNET: The first stage of the Falcon 9 rocket is set to make its seventh flight, which would be a record for rocket recycling for the company. The booster previously flew on four Starlink missions and a pair of larger telecom satellite launches….

US and UK Citizens Are World’s Biggest Sources of Plastic Waste

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: The U.S. and UK produce more plastic waste per person than any other major countries, according to new research. The analysis also shows the U.S. produces the most plastic waste in total and that its citizens may rank as high as third in the world in contributing to plastic pollution in the…

IKEA To Buy Back Used Furniture In Recycling Push

Last week, the BBC reported that IKEA, the world’s biggest furniture business, is planning to launch a scheme to buy back your unwanted furniture you no longer need or want. From the report: Under the plan, it will offer vouchers worth up to 50% of the original price, to be spent at its stores. The “Buy Back” initiative will launch to…