Listen to the sounds of Mars

Here are some of the noises picked up by NASA’s Insight spacecraft since it landed on Mars almost a year ago. Source:…

Google Launches Incognito Mode For Google Maps; Privacy-Focused Features For YouTube and Google Assistant

Google has announced today new privacy-centered updates for three of its services — namely Google Maps, YouTube, and Google Assistant. From a report: More specifically, Google Maps will be getting an incognito mode, YouTube is getting a history auto-delete option, and Google Assistant is getting support for voice commands that will help users manage the Assistant’s own privacy settings. In addition,…

America’s CIA Reportedly Spied on Julian Assange In the Ecuador Embassy

A Spanish private security firm spied on Wikileaks founder Julian Assange on behalf of the CIA while he was inside Ecuador’s embassy in London, according to the Spanish newspaper El Pais. An anonymous reader quotes AFP:
Citing unspecified documents and statements, the paper said Undercover Global Ltd, which was responsible for security at the embassy while Assange was staying there, sent the…