Florida’s Whistleblower Covid-19 Data Manager Arrested Today

The state of Florida’s former Covid-19 data manager was apparently arrested today. After her firing in May of 2020, Rebekah Jones had become a critic of the state’s publicly-available information, even setting up her own online dashboard of Covid-19 case data. The state suspected her of being the person who’d illegally accessed the state’s emergency alert health system in December to…

Fired COVID-19 Data Manager Rebekah Jones Sues FDLE Over Raid On Her Home

Former Department of Health data manager Rebekah Jones has filed a lawsuit (PDF) against the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, saying the Dec. 7 morning raid on her house was a “sham” to retaliate against her for not altering COVID-19 data. Tallahassee.com reports: Jones was fired in May for failing to change COVID-19 data, and soon launched her own online data…

Florida Governor Defends Police Raid On COVID Data Whistleblower

Earlier this week, Florida state police raided the home of Rebekah Jones, the data scientist who ran the state’s coronavirus dashboard until she was fired in June. “Jones has alleged in a whistleblower lawsuit that her firing was in retaliation for her refusal to manipulate data to make the state’s COVID-19 outbreak last spring appear less severe,” reports Yahoo News. Florida…