In San Francisco, Making a Living From Your Billionaire Neighbor’s Trash

In a city swollen by the wealth of the tech industry, the rich and poor live very separate lives. But sometimes they connect through the garbage. Source:

What the Rest of the World Can Learn From the Australian Economic Miracle

As Americans worry about the potential end of a 10-year expansion, it’s worth studying the Aussies, whose winning streak is about to turn 28. Source:

Hudson Yards: A City Within a City

New York’s newest neighborhood drew inspiration from Battery Park City, but is filled with 21st-century twists. Source:

The Fix: The Easy Way to Create a Smart Home

You no longer need to renovate — or spend a lot of money — to incorporate smart technology into your home. Here’s how to do it in a few quick steps. Source:

New York State Budget Deal Brings Congestion Pricing, Plastic Bag Ban and Mansion Tax

The budget agreement, announced early Sunday, includes a new tax on high-end homes and a fee to drive into Manhattan’s busiest areas. Source:

Big City: The Landlord Wants Facial Recognition in Its Rent-Stabilized Buildings. Why?

The surveillance economy is coming, and it’s no coincidence that its first stop is in marginalized communities. Source: