Now Calling Balls and Strikes: Robot Umpires

An anonymous reader shares a report: Baseball’s future has arrived in the Atlantic League, a collection of eight independent professional teams that span from New Britain, Conn., to Sugar Land, Texas. Last week marked the introduction of the most significant innovation: an automated strike zone, shifting responsibility for calling balls and strikes from a person to an emotionless piece of technology…

The Google Pixel 4 Will Have Built-In Radar and Unlock With a Face Scan

In a YouTube video and blog post, Google revealed that its upcoming Pixel 4 smartphone will feature face unlock technology and a feature called “Motion Sense,” which confirms that it will have a Project Soli chip that uses radar to detect hand gestures near the phone. The Verge reports: Adding face unlock puts the Pixel 4 on par with modern iPhones…

Dragonfly aims for Saturn’s moon Titan

Scheduled for launch in 2026, the Dragonfly mission will look for clues to the origins of life, and possibly even evidence of life itself, on Saturn’s alien yet remarkably Earth-like moon Titan. Source:…

Do organic crystals create ‘bathtub rings’ around Titan’s lakes and seas?

Scientists have been trying to figure what creates the so-called “bathtub rings” around lakes and seas on Saturn’s large moon Titan. Now they may have an answer: unusual organic crystals not found on Earth. Source:…

Demand Grows For Tiny Phone Chargers Using ‘New Silicon’

A tiny phone, tablet and laptop charger, the first to use gallium nitride rather than silicon chips, has seen sales four times greater than predicted [Editor’s note: the link may be paywalled], prompting the Chinese company behind it to try to ramp up production. From a report: Anker, a Shenzhen-based company that specialises in computer and mobile phone accessories, unveiled a…

Facebook Abused To Spread Remote Access Trojans Since 2015

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: Facebook has been exploited to act as a distribution platform for a set of Remote Access Trojans (RATs) for years, researchers say. According to Check Point Research, a “large-scale” campaign has been operating under Facebook’s radar since at least 2014 throughout a campaign related to politics in Libya. The aim of the operation…

US Launches Cyber-Attack Aimed At Iranian Rocket and Missile Systems

The US has responded to a recent rise in Iranian cyber-activity and the shooting of an unarmed drone last week by launching cyber-attacks against Iran’s military IT systems. From a report: The cyber-attacks were carried out by US Cyber Command with the direct approval of US President Donald Trump, the Associated Press reported on Sunday, citing two inside sources, and confirming…

No, asteroid 2006 QV89 won’t strike Earth in September

There’ve been scare stories online this month about asteroid 2006 QV89, a space rock that’ll pass closest to Earth on September 9, 2019. Should you be scared? Heck no. Source:…