Following Facebook’s News Ban in Australia, Posts Disappear From Pages of Some Government Agencies, Also Some Restaurant and Humor Sites

Facebook has restricted access to news in Australia, and so far the tech giant seems to have taken a pretty broad definition of news. From a report: Some pages that don’t fit the traditional news genre have been stripped out as part of the stoush between Facebook and the federal government over whether the social media company should pay for Australian…

Anniversary of mysterious parade of meteors

On February 9, 1913, lucky observers witnessed the Great Meteor Procession, when bright meteors soared horizontally across the sky in a stately marching rank for minutes at a time. Source:…

Scientists Discover Two New Mammals in Australia

CNET reports:
Two new species of greater glider, a cat-size marsupial that lives in the forests of Australia, have been discovered after scientists ran DNA tests on new tissue samples of the animals. A new study published in Nature’s public access Scientific Reports journal details the findings… Using genetic sequencing tests from tissue samples taken from various gliders found in areas of…

Scientists Discover Coral Reef Taller Than the Empire State Building

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: An enormous coral reef has been found at the northern tip of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, the first such discovery in 120 years, scientists say. At 500m (1,640ft) high, the reef is taller than New York’s Empire State Building and the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Scientists on a 12-month…

The Great Barrier Reef Has Lost Half Its Corals

The Great Barrier Reef, one of the earth’s most precious habitats, lost half of its coral populations in the last quarter-century, a decline that researchers in Australia said would continue unless drastic action is taken to mitigate the effects of climate change. From a report: Researchers studied coral colonies along the length of the reef between 1995 and 2017 and found…

Radar reveals 3 more subsurface polar lakes on Mars

Scientists with the European Space Agency say that the Mars Express orbiter has found evidence of three more salty lakes below Mars’ south pole. The discovery comes two years after the first lake was detected in 2018. Source:…

Researcher Discusses Whether Time Travel Could Prevent a Pandemic

University of Queensland student Germain Tobar who worked with UQ physics professor Fabio Costa on a new peer-reviewed paper “says he has mathematically proven the physical feasibility of a specific kind of time travel” without paradoxes, reports Popular Mechanics: Time travel discussion focuses on closed time-like curves, something Albert Einstein first posited. And Tobar and Costa say that as long…

Building a Customer-Centric Culture: Meet Van

In this learner story, Van, country head of HR at a company in the pharmaceutical industry, shares her experience as a graduate student in the University of Queensland’s (UQ) Online Master of Leadership in Service Innovation program, a cutting-edge business graduate degree focused on organizational leadership, innovation, and customer experience. How was your experience learning online? I find the program beneficial…

These ancient crocodiles walked on 2 legs like dinosaurs

Researchers suggest 110–120 million year old fossil footprints were made by ancient crocodiles that walked on 2 hind legs about the same length as adult human legs. Source:…