In World First, Slovokia Plans To Test the Entire Country For COVID-19

The BBC reports: Slovakia has begun an ambitious project to test everyone over the age of 10 for Covid-19, but the president has said she thinks the idea is “unfeasible”. The operation to test four million people is to last over two weekends. Infections have soared in Slovakia and officials argue the only alternative would be a total lockdown. President Zuzana…

Linux Foundation Creates Its Own Versions of Apple/Google Coronavirus Tracing Apps

“The Linux Foundation has formed a new group to provide public health authorities with free technology for tracking the spread of the coronavirus and future epidemics,” writes Business Insider. Launched in July, the group has already released two apps “that notify users if they’ve been in contact with someone who has tested positive with COVID-19.” Since these apps are open source,…

College President Resigns After 712 Students Test Positive For Covid-19

CNN reports: The president of the State University of New York at Oneonta has resigned, as the school grapples with hundreds of reported Covid-19 cases within the university since the beginning of the semester… SUNY Oneonta has reported 712 student cases of Covid-19 since residence halls opened on August 17… The resignation of the sitting president of SUNY Oneonta comes after…

Trump Tests Positive For COVID-19

President Trump said on Twitter that he and First Lady Melania tested positive for COVID-19. Slashdot reader halbot42 shares a report from The New York Times, adding: “President Trump? Karma calling on line 1.” President Trump said early Friday morning that he and the first lady have tested positive for the coronavirus, throwing the nation’s leadership into uncertainty and escalating the…

Inside one of Australia’s super-strict coronavirus quarantine hotels

Perth and other Australian cities have some of the world’s strictest quarantine policies. Donna Lu reports from quarantine as Australia successfully quashes its second wave of covid-19 Source:…

Meet Anita: Lifelong Learner, Contract Tracer

We want to introduce you to Anita. She recently completed the COVID-19 Contact Tracing course from Johns Hopkins University and began working as a contact tracer to help combat the virus. Below, she shares her experience in the course and tells us about her background and future plans. Hello Anita! Thank you so much for […]
The post Meet Anita: Lifelong Learner,…

Meet Anita: Lifelong Learner, Contact Tracer

We want to introduce you to Anita. She recently completed the COVID-19 Contact Tracing course from Johns Hopkins University and began working as a contact tracer to help combat the virus. Below, she shares her experience in the course and tells us about her background and future plans. Hello Anita! Thank you so much for […]
The post Meet Anita: Lifelong Learner,…

Using AI and Photoshop to Fake ‘Photos’ of Ancient Roman Emperors

Machine learning “can even bring ancient statues to life, transforming the chipped stone busts of long-dead Roman emperors into photorealistic faces you could imagine walking past on the street,” reports the Verge, citing a new project by a film-industry VR specialist. Slashdot reader shirappu summarizes their report:
Daniel Voshart’s work on creating life-life images of Roman emperors from their statues started as…

Covid-19 news: France could quarantine arrivals from the UK

The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scientist and essential information about the covid-19 pandemic Source:…

New Zealand Marks 100 Days of No Covid-19 Community Spread

Axios reports:
New Zealand has now gone 100 days with no detected community spread of COVID-19, the Ministry of Health confirmed in an emailed statement Sunday afternoon local time… Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been widely praised for her leadership that saw New Zealand lock down hard for several weeks before all domestic restrictions were lifted in June… New Zealand has 23…