Microsoft Used Hydrogen Fuel Cells To Power a Data Center For Two Days Straight

Microsoft announced Monday that hydrogen fuel cells powered a row of its datacenter servers for 48 consecutive hours, bringing the company one step closer toward its goal of becoming “carbon negative” by 2030. Engadget reports: The idea to explore hydrogen fuel cells originated in 2018, when researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, CO used a proton exchange membrane…

Physicists say they’ve found a ‘tetraquark’

On July 1, scientists announced the discovery of a new exotic particle – a so-called “tetraquark” – a finding that marks a major breakthrough in a search of almost 20 years, carried out in particle physics labs all over the world. Source:…

More evidence for watery plumes on Europa

Scientists in Europe have found more yet evidence for water vapor plumes on Jupiter’s ocean moon Europa. Source:…

What are gravitational waves?

First postulated by Albert Einstein in 1916 but not observed directly until September 2015, gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime. Source:…

The force is strong in neutron stars

Physicists at MIT analyzed data from earlier experiments in particle accelerators, in order to probe the workings of the strong nuclear force that operates inside atoms. Their work sheds light on this force – one of the 4 fundamental forces of nature – and also illuminates the structure of a neutron star’s core. Source:…

Company To Harvest Green Hydrogen From Underground Oil Fires

sciencehabit shares a report from Science Magazine: This month, on the frozen plains of Saskatchewan in Canada, workers began to inject steam and air into the Superb field, a layer of sand 700 meters down that holds 200 million barrels of thick, viscous oil. Their goal was not to pump out the oil, but to set it on fire — spurring…

‘Rocket League’ To Drop Linux and Mac Support

Long-time Slashdot reader Motor writes: Rocket League — a very popular multiplayer game — will no longer “be patched” for Linux and the Mac after March — say the publisher, Psyonix… The publishers say it’s motivated by the need to support unspecified “new technologies”. Thanks Psyonix. The announcement says their final patch “will disable online functionality (such as in-game purchases) for…

Newfound Martian aurora actually the most common; sheds light on Mars’ changing climate

A type of Martian aurora first identified by NASA’s MAVEN spacecraft in 2016 is actually the most common form of aurora occurring on the Red Planet, according to new results from the mission. The aurora is known as a proton aurora and can help scientists track water loss from Mars’ atmosphere. Source:…