China Resurrects Great Cannon For DDoS Attacks On Hong Kong Forum

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: After more than two years since it’s been used the last time, the Chinese government deployed an infamous DDoS tool named the “Great Cannon” to launch attacks against LIHKG, an online forum where Hong Kong residents are organizing anti-Beijing protests. […] DDoS attacks with the Great Cannon have been rare, mainly because they…

DC Comics Deletes ‘Batman’ Image That China Complained Was Supporting Hong Kong Protesters

“DC Comics has yanked a poster for a new Batman title from its social media accounts after the image drew criticism from Chinese commenters who said it appeared to support the ongoing pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong,” reports Variety: The artwork depicts Batman throwing a Molotov cocktail against a backdrop of hot-pink words spelling out the new comic book’s tagline, “the…

Iran Shuts Down Country’s Internet In the Wake of Fuel Protests

“Iran, one of the countries most strongly identified with the rise cyber terrorism and malicious hacking, appears now to be using an iron fist to turn on its own,” reports TechCrunch: The country has reportedly shut down nearly all internet access in the country in retaliation to escalating protests that were originally ignited by a rise in fuel prices, according to…

EPA To Limit Science Used To Write Public Health Rules

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: The Trump administration is preparing to significantly limit the scientific and medical research that the government can use to determine public health regulations, overriding protests from scientists and physicians who say the new rule would undermine the scientific underpinnings of government policymaking. A new draft of the Environmental Protection Agency…

In China, Shutterstock Censors Hong Kong and Other Searches

Shutterstock, the well-known online purveyor of stock images and photographs, is the latest U.S. company to willingly support China’s censorship regime, blocking searches that might offend the country’s authoritarian government, The Intercept reported this week. From the report: The publicly traded company built a $639 million-per-year business on the strength of its vast — sometimes comically vast — catalog of images…

Digital Authoritarianism Is On the Rise Around the World, Report Warns

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNET: Internet freedom declined for a ninth consecutive year as governments around the world used social media to monitor citizens and manipulate elections, according to a new study that warned of creeping “digital authoritarianism.” Thirty-three of the 65 countries surveyed were found to have experienced worsening internet freedom since June 2018, compared with 16…

UK government rings death knell for the fracking industry

The sharp reversal of support ends nearly a decade of protests, court cases and minor earthquakes without any energy being produced. Source:…

Google Workers Sidestepping Controversial Chrome Tool Sparks Security Worries

Google is facing a backlash over an internal tool for the company’s Chrome browser that some employees worry is intended for spying on workers organizing protests and discussing workplace issues. From a report: To get around using the tool, some employees have turned to third-party browsers. That’s prompted at least one security engineer at Google to voice concern over the possible…

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Arrives Amid China Controversy

The latest Call Of Duty (CoD) game has been released, amid calls to boycott its publisher’s products. From a report: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare is the sixteenth major title in the series, which is one of the best-selling games franchises of all time. Activision Blizzard has faced criticism for punishing an e-sports competitor who voiced support for the Hong Kong…

Google Accused of Creating Spy Tool To Squelch Worker Dissent

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: Google employees are accusing the company’s leadership of developing an internal surveillance tool that they believe will be used to monitor workers’ attempts to organize protests and discuss labor rights. Earlier this month, employees said they discovered that a team within the company was creating the new tool for the custom Google Chrome…