The Race for a Super-Antibody Against the Coronavirus

A network of scientists is chasing the pandemic’s holy grail: an antibody that protects against not just the virus, but also related pathogens that may threaten humans. From a report: Dozens of companies and academic groups are racing to develop antibody therapies. Already Regeneron and the drug company Eli Lilly have requested emergency use authorizations for their products from the Food…

Raised by Wolves review: Stunning sci-fi set on a real exoplanet

HBO’s Raised by Wolves is an original and visually stunning science-fiction series set on a recently discovered exoplanet. It has echoes of Prometheus, Alien and Dune, says Emily Wilson Source:…

The European Space Agency is Funding Its Own Reusable Rocket

“SpaceX may be best known for revolutionizing rocket launches with its reusable rockets…” writes Digital Trends, but now, “Europe wants to get in on the action.” The European Space Agency (ESA) has announced it is developing its own reusable rocket engine…with the aim of making rocket launches considerably cheaper. The ESA described its planned engine as “the precursor of ultra-low-cost rocket…

ESA moves ahead on low-cost reusable rocket engine

ESA’s Prometheus is the precursor of ultra-low-cost rocket propulsion that is flexible enough to fit a fleet of new launch vehicles for any mission and will be potentially reusable. Source:…

Europe’s Space Industry Is Working On Reusable Rockets With Environmentally-Friendly Fuel

schwit1 shared this article from (which includes a really cool video):
The European launch provider Arianespace — best known as the manufacturer of the heavy-lift Ariane 5 and the future Ariane 6 — has a plan to make its future rockets more competitive in a tight launch industry. As you might guess from looking at the U.S. company SpaceX’s reusable Falcon…

Altair: Bright star of the Eagle

Altair is only 16.8 light-years from Earth, making it one of our closest stellar neighbors. At least 2 features of the star make it distinctive. For one thing, Altair needs only 10 hours to spin once on its axis, in contrast to roughly a month for our sun. Source:…

A brief history of Saturn’s amazing rings

New analyses of Saturn’s rings reveal how and when they were made, from what, and whether they’ll last. Source:…

Startup Aims To Turn Solar and Wind Power Into Carbon-Neutral Gasoline

“Last month, Rob McGinnis fired up a new machine that runs combustion in reverse, using electricity to weld carbon dioxide and water into liquid fuels,” writes Slashdot reader sciencehabit: McGinnis, a chemical engineer and entrepreneur, has launched a new start-up called Prometheus, in hopes that he will be able to synthesize fuels more cheaply than energy giants can drill for oil,…

Intel Graphics Division Shares Wild Futuristic GPU Concept Cards

MojoKid writes: What do you think graphics cards will look like in the next decade and a half? Intel wanted to know that as well, so it commissioned designer Cristiano Siquiera to give us a taste of what graphics cards might look like in the year 2035. Siquiera, the original talented designer that brought the first set of Intel Odyssey GPU…