9 Hobbies as Alternative Methods to Boost Creativity and Health

Sofia Adamson – Study says certain ‘behavioral pursuits’ can lead to happiness, reduce boredom and stress, and even improve heart rate. Source: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/04/17/9-hobbies-as-alternative-methods-to-boost-creativity-and-health/…

Employee Wellness Programs Yield Little Benefit, Study Shows

A rigorous new study calls into question whether workplace wellness programs can quickly save employers money on health care bills. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/16/health/employee-wellness-programs.html?partner=rss&emc=rss…

iOS 13 To Feature Dark Mode and Interface Updates, Report Says

9to5Mac has learned of several new features expected to be included in iOS 13. From the report: Dark Mode: There will be a system-wide Dark Mode that can be enabled in Settings, including a high contrast version, similar to what’s already available on macOS. Speaking of macOS, iPad apps that run on the Mac using Marzipan will finally take advantage…

It’s not your imagination. Allergy season gets worse every year.

Pollen allergy seasons continue to get longer and more intense as temperatures rise. The weather is warming. The flowers are blooming. Noses are running. Eyes are watering. It’s allergy season yet again, and it’s already severe in states like Georgia and Tennessee. It’s shaping up to be brutal in cities like Chicago, where the frigid… Continue reading It’s not your imagination. Allergy season gets worse every year.

A powerful way to unleash your natural creativity | Tim Harford

What can we learn from the world’s most enduringly creative people? They “slow-motion multitask,” actively juggling multiple projects and moving between topics as the mood strikes — without feeling hurried. Author Tim Harford shares how innovators like Einstein, Darwin, Twyla Tharp and Michael Crichton found their inspiration and productivity through cross-training their minds. Source: https://www.ted.com/talks/tim_harford_a_powerful_way_to_unleash_your_natural_creativity?rss…