‘Ultra-Processed’ Junk Food Linked to Advanced Aging at Cellular Level, Study Finds

Science Alert reports:
People who eat a lot of industrially processed junk food are more likely to exhibit a change in their chromosomes linked to aging, according to research presented Tuesday at an online medical conference. Three or more servings of so-called “ultra-processed food” per day doubled the odds that strands of DNA and proteins called telomeres, found on the end of…

Changing Your Diet Can Help Tamp Down Depression and Boost Mood, Study Finds

There’s fresh evidence that eating a healthy diet, one that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables and limits highly processed foods, can help reduce symptoms of depression. NPR reports: A randomized controlled trial published in the journal PLOS ONE finds that symptoms of depression dropped significantly among a group of young adults after they followed a Mediterranean-style pattern of eating for…

Whole Foods CEO Says Eating Plant-Based ‘Meats’ is Unhealthy

The CEO and cofounder of Whole Foods has some concerns about the plant-based “meat” craze. John Mackey told CNBC on Wednesday that plant-based meat substitutes are good for the environment but not for your health, echoing concerns that have been raised by dietitians and nutritionists in recent weeks. From a report: “If you look at the ingredients, they are super-highly processed…