Revealed: Details of Dominic Cumming’s plan for new UK research agency

A plan instigated by Dominic Cummings, adviser to UK prime minister Boris Johnson, would see scientists get up to 15 years of funding to research areas like quantum computing Source:…

Why White Island erupted and why there was no warning

White Island is one of several volcanoes in New Zealand that can produce sudden explosive eruptions at any time. Source:…

Leaked Russian Interference Report Raises Questions About Brexit, UK Election Security

A report from the U.K. Parliament’s intelligence committee concludes that “Russian interference may have had an impact on the Brexit referendum,” reports the Times of London, adding that “the effect was ‘unquantifiable.'” The Associated Press reports:
The committee said British intelligence services failed to devote enough resources to counter the threat and highlighted the impact of articles posted by Russian new sites…