No Longer an Outsider, Sanders Is Using the Senate as His Launching Pad

Senator Bernie Sanders will reintroduce his Medicare for All Act on Wednesday. Only this time, he is a Senate insider, and a member of the Democratic leadership. Source:

Democrats Rethink the Death Penalty, and Its Politics.

Following California’s moratorium on executions, Democrats running for president embraced abolition, signaling a generational shift for the party. Source:

Cory Booker Campaigns on Baby Bonds Program to Combat Inequality

Mr. Booker made a detailed case for an economic proposal known as baby bonds, which would create a government-run savings account for every child born in the United States. Source:

Biden Didn’t Rush Into 2020. The Race Came to Him Anyway.

Joe Biden delayed his entry into the Democratic field, hoping to avoid the fray. Now, a crisis he was unprepared for has left him as badly bruised as anyone in the race. Source:

Joe Biden Jokes About Hugging in First Speech Since Women’s Complaints

“I just want you to know I had permission to hug Lonnie,” Mr. Biden said, referring to the president of the union that was hosting him. He also put his arm around a young boy. Source: