The US Government Is Now Stuck with 63 Million Doses of Hydroxychloroquine

The World Health Organization has now halted research on whether hydroxychloroquine could be an effective treatment for COVID-19, reports NBC News, after multiple studies showed the drug “has no impact on the coronavirus.” But now that America’s Food and Drug Administration has revoked permission for using it to treat coronavirus patients, CNN reports that the U.S. government “is stuck with 63…

Scientists Store Data in Synthetic DNA Embedded in a Plastic Bunny

A new method for preserving genetically encoded data into common manufacturing materials is reported. From a report: The future of digital memory may be inside a small plastic bunny that contains 3-D printing instructions for replicating itself stored in artificial DNA, said scientists Monday, who announced a method for mixing genetically encoded data into common manufacturing materials. The scientists sealed the…

Why Prescription Drugs Cost So Much More in America

The US spends more per capita on medication than anywhere else in the world. It’s a key electoral issue. From a report on Financial Times (paywalled): All over the world, drugmakers are granted time-limited monopolies — in the form of patents — to encourage innovation. But America is one of the only countries that does not combine this carrot with the…

Trump Administration Plans To Allow Imports Of Some Prescription Drugs From Canada

The Trump administration is outlining two possible ways certain drugs that were intended for foreign markets could be imported to the U.S. — a move that would clear the way to import some prescription drugs from Canada. From a report: “Today’s announcement outlines the pathways the Administration intends to explore to allow safe importation of certain prescription drugs to lower prices…

It’s Hurricane Preparedness Week. Are you ready?

May 5-11, 2019, is Hurricane Preparedness Week in the U.S. If a hurricane were approaching, would you and your family be ready? This post will tell you how to prepare. Source:…