Coronavirus vaccine: What should you do if pregnant or breastfeeding?

With little safety data available, individuals who are pregnant must weigh up the risks and benefits for themselves, while evidence for those who are breastfeeding is more clear Source:…

A Stranger Crowdsourced $1,700 For a Mistreated Fast-Food Worker

Slashdot reader DevNull127 writes: At a McDonald’s restaurant in Georgia, an angry customer in the drive-through lane threw his drink at the pregnant fast-food worker who had served him. “She was crying and covered in ice and soda and syrup…” remembers another driver in the next car parked in the line. “[C]overed in syrup all over her shoes, pants, and shirt.”…

FDA Panel Recommends Approval of Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine For Emergency Use

A key Food and Drug Administration advisory panel on Thursday recommended the approval of Pfizer and BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine for emergency use in people over 16 years old, the last step before the FDA gives the final OK to broadly distribute the first doses throughout the United States. CNBC reports: If the FDA accepts the nonbinding recommendation from the Vaccines and…

Study of 11,000 Kids Links Cannabis Use During Pregnancy To Child Behavioral Change

Slashdot reader omfglearntoplay shared this article from Science Alert: A cross-sectional analysis of 11,489 children, 655 of whom were exposed to THC in the womb, has found cannabis use during pregnancy is tied to a small elevation in psychotic-like behaviours later in life. These include aggression towards others, as well as attention and social problems… the relationship stood even when other…

Menopausal woman gives birth after blood plasma injection in ovaries

Five out of 60 women who were menopausal or transiting into the menopause became pregnant after having their own blood plasma injected into their ovaries, according to results of a pilot study Source:…

Does coronavirus linger in the body?

Some viruses can hide out in the body and reemerge at later times. Which viruses do this, and can the new coronavirus do this too? Source:…

Baby Was Infected With Coronavirus In Womb, Study Reports

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: Researchers on Tuesday [reported in the journal Nature Communications] strong evidence that the coronavirus can be transmitted from a pregnant woman to a fetus. A baby born in a Paris hospital in March to a mother with Covid-19 tested positive for the virus and developed symptoms of inflammation in his…