Reviewer Calls Linux-based PinePhone ‘the Most Interesting Smartphone I’ve Tried in Years’

A review at the Android Police site calls Pine64’s new Linux-based PinePhone “the most interesting smartphone I’ve tried in years,” with 17 different operating systems available (including Fedora, Ubuntu Touch, SailfishOS, openSUSE, and Arch Linux ARM): There’s a replaceable battery, which is compatible with batteries designed for older Samsung Galaxy J7 phones. It’s good to know that even if PinePhone vanished…

Could Pine64’s Cheap Linux Smartphone Replace Your PC?

TechRadar reports on Pine64’s new “PinePhone Convergence Package” handset, calling it “a Linux desktop you can keep in your pocket” that can be used as a PC when plugged into an external display and a keyboard. The device costs just $199 and is aimed primarily at Linux enthusiasts. The PinePhone Linux smartphone is based on the Alpine Linux-based PostmarketOS that can…