Twitter Runs a Test Prompting Users To Revise ‘Harmful’ Replies

In its latest effort to deal with rampant harassment on its platform, Twitter will look into giving users a second chance before they tweet. From a report: In a new feature the company is testing, users who use “harmful” language will see a prompt suggesting that they self-edit before posting a reply. The framing here is a bit disingenuous — harassment…

Is Space-Time Quantized Or Analog?

“What are the implications if ‘space-time’ (as conceived of in the Einstein Theory of General Relativity) is quantized like all other aspects of matter and energy?” asks Slashdot reader sixoh1. reports of a new study that tried to find out: In order for the math of general relativity to work, this fabric of space-time has to be absolutely smooth at…

AI can distinguish between bots and humans based on Twitter activity

AI can tell whether a human or a bot is posting on Twitter based on how regularly they post and how much they reply to others, which could help identify fake accounts Source:…