Two Years Later, Hackers Are Still Breaching Local Government Payment Portals

Two years after hackers first started targeting local government payment portals, attacks are still going on, with eight cities having had their Click2Gov payment portals compromised in the last month alone, security researchers from Gemini Advisory have revealed in a report shared with ZDNet today. From the news report: These new hacks have allowed hackers to get their hands on over…

Spring Cyberattack on US Power Grid ‘Probably Just Some Script Kiddie’

The electric utility non-profit NERC has posted a “Lessons Learned” document detailing a March 5th incident that Environment & Energy News calls “a first-of-its-kind cyberattack on the U.S. grid”. While it didn’t cause any blackouts — it was at a “low-impact” control center — NERC is now warning power utilities to “have as few internet facing devices as possible” and to…

PayPal Builds ‘Zoid’ JavaScript Library To ‘Make IFrames Cool Again’

“Earlier this year I gave a talk at FullStack conference in London about making iFrames cool again,” writes a lead engineer at PayPal. In a nutshell: iframes let you build user experiences into embeddable ‘cross-domain components’, which let users interact with other sites without being redirected. There are a metric ton of awesome uses for that other than tracking and advertizing….

Tor Project To Fix Bug Used For DDoS Attacks On Onion Sites For Years

An anonymous reader writes: “The Tor Project is preparing a fix for a bug that has been abused for the past years to launch DDoS attacks against dark web (.onion) websites,” reports ZDNet. “Barring any unforeseen problems, the fix is scheduled for the upcoming Tor protocol 0.4.2 release.” The bug has been known to Tor developers for years, and has been…

Facebook Set To Reveal Own Cryptocurrency Later This Month, Report Says

Social media giant Facebook is said to reveal its own cryptocurrency later this month. From a report: According to a report from The Information this week, Facebook is poised to unveil its cryptocurrency to the public later in June, which is aimed to allow users to process transactions via the social media channel, and will be offered to Facebook employees who…

21.16 – MU Podcast

Mavis Pittilla was initially a reluctant psychic. After a strange experience she began to see dead people Sixth Sense style and didn’t like it! On this episode of Mysterious Universe we follow her incredible story which involves psychic interactions with helper spirits and time portals in far away lands. Then in our Plus+ extension we… Read more » Source:…