Scientists Have Invented Light-Up OLED Tattoos

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Gizmodo: Tattoos are usually considered a form of personal expression, but a team of researchers in Europe have created what they’re calling the world’s first light-emitting tattoo based on OLED screen technology that, besides presumably looking kind of cool, could also serve as a visible warning about potential health concerns. In a recently published…

Cutting meat for Veganuary? Here’s how to get your protein from beans

Beans are a fabulous and tasty source of protein if you want to cut back on meat. But you need to know how to break down their structural polymers to get the best flavour Source:…

New study finds polyester fibers throughout the Arctic Ocean

A new study has found that pollution from microplastics is widespread in the Arctic Ocean, and 92% of those particles are minuscule synthetic fibers from our clothes. Source:…

Plastic rain: More than 1,000 tons of microplastic rain onto western US

New research finds that microplastics are emitted into the atmosphere. Source:…

Plastic Rain In Protected Areas of the United States

Writing today in the journal Science, researchers report a startling discovery: After collecting rainwater and air samples for 14 months, they calculated that over 1,000 metric tons of microplastic particles fall into 11 protected areas in the western U.S. each year. That’s the equivalent of over 120 million plastic water bottles. Wired: To quantify just how bad the problem has become…