Earth faces plastic pollution disaster unless we take drastic action

Even if we took every feasible action to reduce plastic pollution, we would only cut it by 78 per cent by 2040, a study has found. That doesn’t mean we should stop trying Source:…

Dark Sky Sanctuary established in New England

Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument in Maine was certified as a Dark Sky Sanctuary on May 8, 2020. Source:…

Your Car Is Spewing Microplastics That Blow Around the World

rmdingler shares a report: When you drive, tiny bits of plastic fly off your tires and brakes. Now scientists have shown how all that road muck is blowing into environments like the Arctic. When the world fully transitions from cars that run on dinosaur juice to cars that run on electricity, humanity will have eliminated a major source of planet-warming carbon…

US Utilities Are Cleaning Up Their Act With Emissions Down 8%

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: U.S. utilities are producing less greenhouse gases as they continue to shift away from coal. Carbon dioxide emissions from the 100 biggest U.S. electricity producers fell 8% last year, according to a report (PDF) Wednesday from the environmental group Ceres. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, two other key pollutants produced by burning coal,…

How many ETs are in our galaxy? Ask the Alien Civilization Calculator

Researchers at Omni Calculator have created the Alien Civilization Calculator, a unique combination of two different methods of trying to determine how many advanced alien civilizations may exist in our galaxy. Source:…

Meat and dairy production emit more nitrogen than Earth can cope with

Scientists have urged people to eat less meat and dairy after finding livestock farming singlehandedly exceeds “planetary boundaries” for nitrogen pollution Source:…

Stunning images of the night

See the winners of the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) 1st annual photography contest. Source:…

Lake Victoria is at risk of dying from pollution and climate change

Wetlands usually filter water that makes its way into Africa’s largest lake, but now untreated waste dumped into the lake risks killing off local wildlife Source:…

10 great places to see meteor showers in the US

Looking for an awesome place to watch meteor showers in the U.S.? AccuWeather – and the editors of EarthSky – recommend these 10 places. Source:…

How to catch the elusive green flash

It’s not hard to see a green flash with the eye alone, when sky conditions are right, and when you’re looking toward a very clear and very distant horizon. Source:…