Enhanced interactions through strong light-matter coupling

Why do two-dimensional exciton-polaritons interact? The exciton-polariton quasiparticle is part light (photon), and part matter (exciton). Their excitonic (matter) part confers them the ability to interact with other particles, a property lacking to bare photons. …

Research team reports an important step to making optical simulators real-world devices

A group of Skoltech scientists, in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Southampton (UK), developed a fully optical approach to control the couplings between polariton condensates in optical lattices. This study is an important step toward the practical application of optical polariton condensate lattices as a platform for simulating condensed matter phases. The research results were published in the journal…

Observations of Rydberg exciton polaritons and their condensate in a perovskite cavity

In quantum physics, Rydberg excitons with high principal value can exhibit strong dipole-dipole interactions. However, polaritons (quasiparticles) with an excitonic constituent in an excited state, known as Rydberg exciton polaritons (REPs) remain to be experimentally observed. In a recent study now published on the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). Wei Bao and…

Coupled exploration of light and matter

n quasiparticles known as polaritons, states of light and matter are strongly coupled. The group of Prof. Ataç İmamoğlu has now developed a new approach to study nonlinear optical properties of polaritons in strongly correlated electronic states. In doing so, they opened up fresh perspectives for exploring both ingredients of the polariton: novel functionalities for photonic devices and fundamental insight into…