Vertical Farms Grow Veggies On Site At Restaurants and Grocery Stores

New Atlas reports on ag-tech company Vertical Field’s efforts to produce soil-based indoor vertical farms grown at the very location where food is consumed. From the report: The Vertical Field setup retains many of the advantages of hydroponic vertical farms, but instead of the plants growing in a nutrient-packed liquid medium, the container-based pods treat their crops to real soil, supplemented…

How Tim Berners-Lee Will Fix the Internet

“Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the British computer scientist who was knighted for inventing the internet navigation system known as the World Wide Web, wants to re-make cyberspace once again,” reports Reuters: With a new startup called Inrupt, Berners-Lee aims to fix some of the problems that have handicapped the so-called open web in an age of huge, closed platforms such as Facebook….

Successful IT Workers Applaud Non-Traditional Paths to Tech

Tech columnist Chris Matyszczyk describes what happened after Microsoft’s senior cloud advocate tweeted “Hire folks with non-traditional paths to tech.”
Thomas Zeman, whose Twitter bio declared he’s “scaling pods at daytime, working on a docker based raspberry pi router at nighttime,” mused in reply: “Depends a bit what tech you are talking about. When doing machine learning for cancer recognition on medical…

HP Replaces ‘Free Ink for Life’ Plan With ’99 Cents a Month Or Your Printer Stops Working’

In a new essay at, Cory Doctorow re-visits HP’s anti-consumer “security updates” that disabled third-party ink cartridges (while missing real vulnerabilities that could actually bypass network firewalls). Doctorow writes that it was just the beginning: HP’s latest gambit challenges the basis of private property itself: a bold scheme! With the HP Instant Ink program, printer owners no longer own their…

These Drones Will Plant 40,000 Trees in a Month. By 2028, They’ll Have Planted 1 Billion

Earlier this month, on land north of Toronto that previously burned in a wildfire, drones hovered over fields and fired seed pods into the ground, planting native pine and spruce trees to help restore habitat for birds. From a report: Flash Forest, the Canadian startup behind the project, plans to use its technology to plant 40,000 trees in the area this…