Ant Group Sponsors Reality Competition Show About Programmers

“A two-episode series which debuted on Chinese streaming platforms last week has been described as the first reality competition to focus on programmers,” reports the I Programmer web site: The show, sponsored by the Ant Group, an affiliate company of the Chinese Alibaba Group, is called Ranshaoba tiancaichengxuyuan, which roughly translates to “Burn Bright! Genius Programmer,” and followed four teams engaged…

Scientists Use Satellite Imagery To Count Elephants

Scientists from a trio of universities have combined satellite imagery with deep learning to detect elephants from space. The goal is to help protect these endangered species from poachers or habitat destruction. Their study was published in the journal Ecology and Conservation. Interesting Engineering reports: The team’s method proved comparable to human detection accuracy and could help solve a number of…

World’s sole remaining white giraffe gets GPS

The last living white giraffe on Earth has been equipped with a GPS tracker to help protect it from poachers. Situated in Kenya’s Ishaqbini Hirola Com… Source:…

Bird-like dinosaurs that lost a finger show evolution in action

Bird-like dinosaurs called oviraptorids normally had three fingers, but skeletons rescued from fossil poachers reveal a new species with just two Source:…

Drones could be used to herd rhinos away from poaching hotspots

It’s costly to protect southern white rhinos from poachers, but a study suggests the vulnerable animals could be deterred from poaching hotspots using drones Source:…

African elephant poaching is falling at last – but it’s still too high

The number of African elephants being killed by poachers has fallen to below 15,000 per year, which is still too high for populations to have a future Source:…