Ocean-Clogging Microplastics Also Pollute the Air, Study Finds

Microplastics are known to cause ocean pollution, but a new study suggests airborne plastic particles pollute the air and dry land as well. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/18/science/what-are-microplastics.html?partner=rss&emc=rss…

Planet’s Ocean-Plastics Problem Detailed In 60-Year Data Set

Scientists have uncovered the first strong evidence that the amount of plastic polluting the oceans has risen vastly in recent decades — by analyzing 60 years of log books for plankton-tracking vessels. Nature reports: Data recorded by instruments known as continuous plankton recorders (CPRs) — which ships have collectively towed millions of kilometres across the Atlantic Ocean — show that the…

The race to save the planet from plastic

Scientists are trying to accelerate evolution to make plastics rot. A tiny new organism is showing them how. Sometime between 2010 and 2015, a tiny organism with an unusual appetite made a home in an industrial site near a bottle-recycling plant in Sakai, Japan. The site, located by a bustling port in one of the… Continue reading The race to save the planet from plastic