Scientists 3D-Print Human Skin and Bone For Mars Astronauts

Scientists from the University Hospital of Dresden Technical University in Germany have successfully bio-printed skin and bone samples upside down to help determine if the method could be used in a low-gravity environment. CNET reports: The skin sample was printed using human blood plasma as a “bio ink.” The researchers added plant and algae-based materials to increase the viscosity so it…

Will planetary low tide force regular sunspot sync-ups?

No, it’s not pseudoscience. Does a regular alignment of planets make a strong-enough tug to regulate the sun’s 11- and 22-year cycles? Read more in this story via Eos – a source for news and perspectives about Earth and space science – from the American Geophysical Union. Source:…

After 25 Months, Debian 10 ‘buster’ Released

“After 25 months of development the Debian project is proud to present its new stable version 10 (code name ‘buster’), which will be supported for the next 5 years thanks to the combined work of the Debian Security team and of the Debian Long Term Support team.” An anonymous reader quotes In this release, GNOME defaults to using the Wayland…

More amazing images of the July 2 eclipse

Some called it the “astronomer’s eclipse” because it passed near major observatories in Chile. Check out these beautiful images of the July 2, 2019 total solar eclipse. Source:…

Swapping Spark Plugs For Nanopulses Could Boost Engine Efficiency By 20 Percent

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Transient Plasma Systems has its roots in pulsed power technology developed for the Department of Defense at the University of Southern California, specifically nanosecond-duration pulses of power. Since 2009, it has been working on commercializing the technology for the civilian market in a number of applications, but obviously it’s the automotive one…

Melting a satellite, a piece at a time

Researchers took one of the densest parts of an Earth-orbiting satellite, placed it in a plasma wind tunnel then proceeded to melt it into vapour. Their goal was to better understand how satellites burn up during reentry, to minimise the risk of endangering anyone on the ground. Source:…

KDE Plasma 5.16 Released

Long-time Slashdot reader jrepin writes: The KDE community has released Plasma 5.16, the newest iteration of the popular desktop environment. It features an improved notification system, Not only can you mute notifications altogether with the Do Not Disturb mode, but the system also groups notifications by app. Developers also focused on user’s privacy. When any application accesses the microphone, an icon…

Has the ball lightning mystery been solved?

What is ball lightning? Scientists have been trying to figure that out for hundreds of years, and now it seems they may finally be close to solving one of Earth’s most intriguing natural mysteries. Source:…

Giant stellar eruption detected for the first time

A group of researchers has identified and characterized for the first time in a complete way a powerful eruption in the atmosphere of the active star HR 9024, marked by an intense flash of X-rays followed by the emission of a giant bubble of plasma, ie hot gas containing charged particles. This is the first time a coronal mass ejection, or…