‘We Can’t End Climate Change Without Changing Our Eating Habits’

Saturday the Guardian published a call to action by the author of the new book, We are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast: [W]e cannot save the planet unless we significantly reduce our consumption of animal products. This is not my opinion, or anyone’s opinion. It is the inconvenient science. Animal agriculture produces more greenhouse gas emissions than the…

Is Air Travel Really Bad For the Climate?

“The best way to get oneself somewhere with the least impact on the climate is a lot more complex than it may seem at first glance,” writes Slashdot reader Dan Drollette (who is also the deputy editor of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists). Slashdot reader Lasrick also submitted their report. A few excerpts:
– For a short distance taking a train…

As Criticism Grows After Crashes, Boeing Committee May Recommend Organizational Changes

McGruber summarizes an article in the New York Times: A small committee of Boeing’s board is expected to call for several meaningful changes to the way the company is structured. The commitee may recommend that Boeing change aspects of its organizational structure, call for the creation of new groups focused on safety and encourage the company to consider making changes to…