Rocket Lab Reveals Plans For Reusable Rocket With 8 Ton Payload

Rocket Lab has unveiled plans for a larger rocket that can carry bigger payloads than its current reusable trooper, the Electron. It’s called the Neutron and will be capable of carrying 8 metric tons to low-Earth orbit compared to the Electron’s 660 lbs capacity. Engadget reports: The Neutron will also have a fully reusable first stage that can land on an…

Sergey Brin’s Airship Aims To Use World’s Biggest Mobile Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Sergey Brin’s secretive airship company LTA Research and Exploration is planning to power a huge disaster relief airship with an equally record-breaking hydrogen fuel cell. From a report: A job listing from the company, which is based in Mountain View, California and Akron, Ohio, reveals that LTA wants to configure a 1.5-megawatt hydrogen propulsion system for an airship to deliver humanitarian…

After a Boeing 777 Rained Failed-Engine Debris on Neighborhood Below, More Planes Grounded

After a twin-engine, wide-bodied Boeing 777 took off from a Denver airport — carrying 231 passengers and 10 crew members — its right engine failed. It began dropping debris on several neighborhoods below, CNBC reports. America’s Federal Aviation Administration issued a statement saying it was “aware of reports of debris in the vicinity of the airplane’s flight path,” CNBC adds, noting…

Images of shadows cast by jet contrails

Jet contrail shadows may appear to be cast by a low-altitude bright light shining upwards. In fact, this shadow is normally cast on clouds below the jet and its contrail. Source:…

FAA Tracking All Boeing 737 Max Flights Around World With Satellites

All Boeing 737 Max flights around the world are being tracked by U.S. regulators who are keeping watch on the plane after its 20-month grounding. From a report: The Federal Aviation Administration is using a network of satellites capable of tracking planes in even the most remote regions as if they were under surveillance by local radars, according to the agency….

How is Alaska Leading the Nation in Vaccinating Residents? With Boats, Ferries, Planes and Snowmobiles.

Alaska, the state with the largest land mass in the nation, is leading the country in a critical coronavirus measure: per capita vaccinations per capita vaccinations. From a report: About 13 percent of the people who live in Alaska have already gotten a shot. That’s higher than states such as West Virginia, which has received a lot of attention for a…

A hydrogen fuel revolution is coming – here’s why we might not want it

Hydrogen is widely touted as a green fuel for everything from cars and planes to heating homes. But all too often it has a dirty secret Source:…

Astronomers see multiple eclipses in unique 6-star system

An international team of astronomers has discovered a unique 6-star system where eclipses of all 6 stars can be seen from Earth. Source:…

Are the US Military’s GPS Tests Threatening Airline Safety?

Long-time Slashdot reader cusco quotes a new report from IEEE Spectrum: In August 2018, a passenger aircraft in Idaho, flying in smoky conditions, reportedly suffered GPS interference from military tests and was saved from crashing into a mountain only by the last-minute intervention of an air traffic controller. “Loss of life can happen because air traffic control and a flight crew…

Vancouver Seaplane Company To Resume Test Flights With Electric Plane

A Vancouver seaplane company says its retro-fitted all electric airplane is set to take to the skies for more test flights this year, as it pushes forward with its plans to make commercial air travel cheaper and greener. reports: “There’s no wavering in our confidence and determination and interest in getting this done,” said Harbour Air CEO Greg McDougall. Founded…