Benefits of microdosing psychedelic drugs may be due to placebo effect

Some people find that taking small doses of psychedelic drugs can sharpen awareness or improve their mood, but these benefits may happen simply because people believe they will Source:…

Blood test could reveal if you will experience the placebo effect

People who respond to the placebo effect have proteins in their blood that are linked to controlling inflammation, which may help to explain how a placebo makes us feel better Source:…

The placebo effect and psychedelic drugs: Tripping on nothing?

A new study suggests that, in the right context, some people may experience psychedelic-like effects from placebos alone. The researchers reported some of the strongest placebo effects on consciousness in the literature relating to psychedelic drugs. Indeed, 61% of the participants in the experiment reported some effect after consuming the placebo. Source:

The psychology behind the placebo effect just got stranger

Placebo drugs can relieve pain, particularly if people taking them are told how they work. Now it seems you don’t need detailed explanations to get the benefits Source:…