Human genes have been added to pigs to create skin for transplants

The race to create pigs organs for human transplants is hotting up. Three teams have each added human genes to pigs to try to create rejection-proof skin Source:…

Were snakes the source of China’s coronavirus outbreak?

A report suggests that snakes – the Chinese krait and the Chinese cobra – might have been the original source of the coronavirus that’s triggered an outbreak of deadly infectious respiratory illnesses in China this year. Source:…

What Fossils Will Modern-Day Civilization Leave Behind?

sciencehabit writes: Millions of years from now, advanced humans — or perhaps visiting aliens — may dig up the remnants of today’s civilizations. What are they likely to find, and how will they interpret our relationship with the creatures around us? A new study reveals that archaeologists will need to rely on bones, not any of our former technology. “If you…

A Quarter of the World’s Pigs Died Last Year in China

By the end of August 2019, the entire pig population of China had dropped by about 40 percent. China accounted for more than half of the global pig population in 2018, and the epidemic there alone has killed nearly one-quarter of all the world’s pigs. From a report: By late September, the disease had cost economic losses of one trillion yuan…

One-Quarter of World’s Pigs Died In a Year Due To Swine Fever In China

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: The [African swine fever disease] was first reported in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, in early August 2018. By the end of August 2019, the entire pig population of China had dropped by about 40 percent. China accounted for more than half of the global pig population in 2018, and the epidemic…

Chinese Criminal Gangs Spreading African Swine Fever To Force Farmers To Sell Pigs Cheaply So They Can Profit

Chinese criminals have been exploiting the country’s African swine fever crisis by intentionally spreading the disease to force farmers to sell their pigs for a low price before smuggling the meat and selling it on as healthy stock, state media has reported. From a report: Sometimes the gangs spread rumours about the virus, which is fatal to pigs, but in more…

Exclusive: First ever piglets containing monkey cells born in China

Two pig-monkey chimeras were born in China but died within a week. This is the first time live pigs have been created that contain some primate cells Source:…

Exclusive: Two pigs engineered to have monkey cells born in China

Two pig-monkey chimeras were born in China but died within a week. This is the first time live pigs have been created that contain some primate cells Source:…

African swine fever helps drive world food prices to two-year high

The slaughter of half of China’s pigs due to the African swine fever virus raging across Asia and Europe has helped drive world food prices to a two year high Source:…