Tracking Venus in late 2019 and early ’20

Looking for Venus? It’s already visible to Southern Hemisphere viewers and will soon come into view in the west after sunset for us in the Northern Hemisphere. This video tracks a telescopic view of Venus from when it reappears again to May 2020. Source:…

Facial Recognition Deployed on Children at Hundreds of US Summer Camps

The Washington Post describes a parent whose phone “rings 10 times a day with notifications from the summer camp’s facial-recognition service, which alerts him whenever one of his girls is photographed enjoying their newfound independence.” Cory Doctorow reports:
You can also call your kid if you think they look unhappy or if you are unsatisfied with them in any way and nag…

Amazon Accidentally Sold $13,000+ Camera Gear For $100 On Prime Day

An anonymous reader quotes a report from PetaPixel: Amazon discounted a wide range of camera gear for Prime Day this week, but some photographers scored what may be the best deals of their lives. Thanks to a pricing error, many people were able to purchase high-end camera gear bundles, some worth over $5,000, for just around $100. It all started when…