The Death of Cars Was Greatly Exaggerated

Personal car ownership in the US has increased in the past 10 years, even in the frenzied urban places where Uber and car-share have become verbs. From a report: According to research from former New York City transportation official Bruce Schaller, the number of vehicles has grown faster than the population in some of the cities where ride-hail is most popular:…

Bright star Deneb transits at nightfall

This beloved Summer Triangle star is shifting westward in our sky. Its transit at nightfall in mid-October is a hallmark of the year, marking a shift toward winter – or summer – on your half of the globe. Source:…

Year’s fastest sunsets around equinoxes

We’re talking about the actual rate at which the sun sinks below the horizon. It’s faster around the equinoxes than at any other time. Source:…

Milton’s Notes On Shakespeare Appear To Have Been Found

Almost 400 years after the first folio of Shakespeare was published in 1623, scholars believe they have identified the early owner of one copy of the text, who made hundreds of insightful annotations throughout: John Milton. The Guardian reports: The astonishing find, which academics say could be one of the most important literary discoveries of modern times, was made by Cambridge…

Harvest Moon on Friday the 13th

For the Northern Hemisphere, the September 2019 full moon is the closest full moon to the September autumn equinox, so it counts as the Northern Hemisphere’s full Harvest Moon. Source:…

Two College Students Nearly Grabbed Donald Trump’s Tax Returns Online

“This was a Wayne’s World scene gone awry…” says an attorney for 23-year-old Andrew Harris. “They were Wayne and Garth in a blue Pacer with a dumb idea and a mixed run of luck,” he told the Philadelphia Inquirer: Harris previously had filed an application for federal student aid, and noticed that the government form would redirect to the IRS and…

Bedbugs Are Giving Airbnb Users Headaches

Waking up with bedbug bites can be a nightmare. It’s also a costly and traumatic problem for Airbnb guests and hosts. CNET: CNET spoke to eight people who dealt with bedbugs in Airbnb rentals within the last three years. All of them said Airbnb, which was founded in 2008, doesn’t seem to have a systematic procedure in place for handling outbreaks….

US Appeals Court Voids Google ‘Cookie’ Privacy Settlement That Paid Users Nothing

A federal appeals court on Tuesday struck down Google’s class-action settlement meant to resolve claims it invaded the privacy of millions of computer users by installing “cookies” in their browsers, but paying those users nothing for their troubles. Reuters reports: In a 3-0 decision, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia said it could not tell whether the $5.5…

Parks and Recreation Centers Are Using Sonic Devices That Play High-Pitched Noises To Repel Teens

NPR reports of the various parks and recreation centers in North America that are using sonic devices to repel teens from the premises. Philadelphia, for example, has 30 parks and recreation centers that are outfitted with a small speaker called the Mosquito. “It blares a constant, high-pitched ringing noise all night long — but one that only teenagers and young adults…

Amazon Can Be Held Liable For Third-Party Seller Products, Court Says

A federal appeals court on Wednesday ruled that Amazon can be held liable for third-party seller products, exposing the online retailer to lawsuits from customers who buy defective products through its website. Reuters reports: Numerous other courts, including two federal appeals courts, have held that Amazon cannot be held liable as a seller of products from third-party vendors. The new ruling…