Superliminal review: This game will mess with your head

Playing Superliminal confuses your perception of space, but the trick wears thin quite quickly, says Jacob Aron Source:…

Samsung: Expect 6G In 2028, Enabling Mobile Holograms and Digital Twins

An anonymous reader quotes a report from VentureBeat: [A]s 5G continues to roll out, 6G research continues, and today top mobile hardware developer Samsung is weighing in with predictions of what’s to come. Surprisingly, the South Korean company is preparing for early 6G to launch two years ahead of the commonly predicted 2030 timeframe, even though both the proposed use cases…

Data Scientist Tries AI/Human Collaboration For Audio-Visual Art

“Swirls of color and images blend together as faces, scenery, objects, and architecture transform to music.” That’s how AI training company Lionbridge is describing Neural Synesthesia. Slashdot reader shirappu explains: Neural Synesthesia is an AI art project that creator Xander Steenbrugge calls a collaboration between man and machine. To create each piece, he feeds a generative network with curated image datasets…

Why Time Feels So Weird in 2020

Some days seem to pass very slowly while some weeks, and even months, fly by. A set of simple perception tests illustrate some factors that can distort our sense of time.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Hummingbirds see colors we can only imagine

“Our experiments enabled us to get a sneak peek into what the world looks like to a hummingbird,” one scientist said. Source:…

Should Microsoft Release an Edgebook?

“All the pieces are coming together for Microsoft to launch a direct competitor to Chromebooks…” argues an industry analyst writing for ZDNet:
Since adopting the Chromium rendering engine, Microsoft Edge has featured virtually perfect compatibility with Chrome, right down to being able to install extensions from the Chrome app store. It’s also enabled Microsoft to more easily support operating systems that Edge…

What is the Big Bang?

In the view of modern cosmologists, the Big Bang is the event that marked the birth of our universe. Source:…

Self-Driving Cars Would Only Prevent a Third of America’s Crashes, Study Finds

An anonymous reader quotes Reuters:
Self-driving cars, long touted by developers as a way to eliminate road deaths, could likely only prevent a third of all U.S. road crashes, according to a study released on Thursday. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), a research group financed by U.S. insurers, found the remaining crashes were caused by mistakes that self-driving systems are…

The Atlantic Warns About 2020 Election Security Holes and Possible Russian Interference

Slashdot reader DevNull127 writes: A staff writer at The Atlantic published a 7,800-word warning about election security considering the possibility of everything from ransomware to meddling with voter-registration databases — and of course, online disinformation. But it starts with Jack Cable, a Stanford student who discovered security holes in Chicago’s Board of Elections website — then spent months trying to find…