SolarWinds’ Former CEO Blames Intern for ‘solarwinds123’ Password Leak

“Current and former top executives at SolarWinds are blaming a company intern for a critical lapse in password security that apparently went undiagnosed for years,” reports CNN. The password in question, “solarwinds123,” was discovered in 2019 on the public internet by an independent security researcher who warned the company that the leak had exposed a SolarWinds file server… It is still…

Why Is America Getting a New $100 Billion Nuclear Weapon?

“America is building a new weapon of mass destruction, a nuclear missile the length of a bowling lane,” writes the contributing editor for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (in an article shared by Slashdot reader DanDrollette): It will be able to travel some 6,000 miles, carrying a warhead more than 20 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on…

They Stormed the Capitol. Their Apps Tracked Them

In 2019 two New York Times opinion writers obtained cellphone app data “containing the precise locations of more than 12 million individual smartphones for several months in 2016 and 2017.” (It’s data that they say is “supposed to be anonymous, but it isn’t. We found celebrities, Pentagon officials and average Americans.”) Now they’ve obtained a remarkable new trove of data, “this…

Are the US Military’s GPS Tests Threatening Airline Safety?

Long-time Slashdot reader cusco quotes a new report from IEEE Spectrum: In August 2018, a passenger aircraft in Idaho, flying in smoky conditions, reportedly suffered GPS interference from military tests and was saved from crashing into a mountain only by the last-minute intervention of an air traffic controller. “Loss of life can happen because air traffic control and a flight crew…

After SolarWinds Breach, Lawmakers Ask NSA for Help in Cracking Juniper Cold Case

As the U.S. investigation into the SolarWinds hacking campaign grinds on, lawmakers are demanding answers from the National Security Agency about another troubling supply chain breach that was disclosed five years ago. From a report: A group of lawmakers led by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., are asking the NSA what steps it took to secure defense networks following a years-old breach…

Pentagon has 180 days to disclose UFO data

The new US funding bill compels various agencies to disclose what they know about UFOs within six months. The $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and govern… Source:…

Is leaked Pentagon UFO a ‘Batman’ balloon ?

A recently distributed image of a UFO captured from a US fighter jet may have a rather mundane explanation. The photograph, which emerged earlier this… Source:…

Russia Breached Update Server Used by 300,000 Organizations, Including the NSA

Sunday Reuters reported that “a sophisticated hacking group” backed by “a foreign government” has stolen information from America’s Treasury Department, and also from “a U.S. agency responsible for deciding policy around the internet and telecommunications.” The Washington Post has since attributed the breach to “Russian government hackers,” and discovered it’s “part of a global espionage campaign that stretches back months, according…

Leaked Pentagon UFO photograph emerges

An intriguing image of a mysterious silver object hovering motionless in the sky has been published online. Back in August it was confirmed that the P… Source:…

Trump may inadvertently veto UFO task force

The US President is threatening to veto a defense bill that includes funding for the Pentagon’s UFO task force. The National Defense Authorization Act… Source:…