Star Trek: Picard explores what happens when robots go rogue

Patrick Stewart returns in triumphant new Star Trek spin-off Picard, but the Federation’s robots are missing, discontinued, and for a very good reason Source:…

Remembering Star Trek Writer DC Fontana, 1939-2019

Long-time Slashdot reader sandbagger brings the news that D. C. Fontana, an influential story editor and writer on the original 1960s TV series Star Trek, has died this week. People reports: The writer is credited with developing the Spock character’s backstory and “expanding Vulcan culture,” SyFy reported of her massive contribution to the beloved sci-fi series. Fontana was the one who…

Comic-Con Trailers Include ‘Star Trek: Picard’ and HBO’s ‘Watchmen’ Series

“At Comic-Con, Sir Patrick Stewart took to the Hall H stage Saturday afternoon to discuss his new series, Star Trek: Picard,” reports CBS News: The series will focus on what caused famed captain and admiral Jean-Luc Picard to leave Starfleet, and his life since…. Patrick Stewart — who is also an executive producer — answered questions about the show. “We never…