Engineers Develop Colorful Printed Patch That Hides People From AI

A group of engineers from the University of KU Leuven in Belgium have come up with a solution to make users invisible to one specific algorithm. “In a paper shared last week on the preprint server arXiv, these students show how simple printed patterns can fool an AI system that’s designed to recognize people in images,” reports The Verge. From the…

New Device Treats Childhood ADHD With Electric Pulses To Their Foreheads While They Sleep

An anonymous reader quotes CNN:
The first medical device to treat childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, was OK’d Friday by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Designated for children ages 7 to 12 who are not currently on medication for the disorder, the device delivers a low-level electrical pulse to the parts of the brain responsible for ADHD symptoms…. The…