Scientists explore outback as testbed for Mars

This week, scientists from NASA’s upcoming Mars 2020 mission joined their counterparts from the joint European-Russian ExoMars mission in an expedition to the Australian Outback, one of the most remote, arid regions on the planet. Both teams came to hone their research techniques before their missions launch to the Red Planet next summer in search of signs of past life on…

New research sheds light on the possibility of past life on Venus

While today Venus is a very inhospitable place with surface temperatures hot enough to melt lead, geological evidence, supported by computer model simulations, indicate it may have been much cooler billions of years ago and had an ocean, and so have been very similar to Earth. Source:…

Sedimentary, dear Johnson: Is NASA looking at the wrong rocks for clues to Martian life?

In 2020, NASA and European-Russian missions will look for evidence of past life on Mars. But while volcanic, igneous rock predominates on the Red Planet, virtually the entire Earth fossil record comes from sedimentary rocks. Source:…

21.14 – MU Podcast

Genuine adult cases of past-life memory recall are so rare that many paranormal researchers tend to dismiss them. However, on this episode of Mysterious Universe we will discuss one of the most compelling verifiable cases of past-life memory recall to ever see the light of day. Then in our Plus+ extension we take a look… Continue reading 21.14 – MU Podcast