Japan Outlaws Flying Drones While Drunk

Operating a drone in Japan while drunk could lead to a year in prison thanks to new legislation. From a report: The law, passed by the country’s parliament this week, seeks to rein in growing use of the unmanned aerial vehicles. Those found to be intoxicated while flying a drone could also face a fine of up to 300,000 yen ($2,765)….

What do the European Parliament results mean for climate change?

Green parties have made gains in the European Parliament and may become coalition partners. But newly-elected populists are likely to fight climate action Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2204718-what-do-the-european-parliament-results-mean-for-climate-change/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

Greta Thunberg became a climate activist not in spite of her autism, but because of it

Source: https://www.vox.com/first-person/2019/5/6/18531551/autism-greta-thunberg-speech…

EU Votes To Create Gigantic Biometrics Database

The European Parliament voted last week to interconnect a series of border-control, migration, and law enforcement systems into a gigantic, biometrics-tracking, searchable database of EU and non-EU citizens. From a report: This new database will be known as the Common Identity Repository (CIR) and is set to unify records on over 350 million people. Per its design, CIR will aggregate both…

7 things we’ve learned about Earth since the last Earth Day

Source: https://www.vox.com/2019/4/21/18223816/earth-day-2019-climate-change-plastic-extinction…

Russia Adopts Bill That Would Expand Government Control Over the Internet

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ABC News: Russia’s lower chamber of parliament has adopted a bill that would expand government control over the internet, raising fears of widespread censorship. The State Duma on Tuesday overwhelmingly voted to support the bill, which still has to be approved by the upper chamber of Russian Parliament and signed into the law…

Climate Change Activists Stripped Semi-Naked In British Parliament

Lawmakers have shown their whole asses by ignoring that climate change is upon us, so on Monday activists got semi-naked in British parliament to grab their attention. A group of demonstrators with Extinction Rebellion, a campaign that demands that governments “tell the truth about the climate and wider ecological emergency” and reduce carbon emissions to… Continue reading Climate Change Activists Stripped Semi-Naked In British Parliament