Watch giant pandas frolic in the snow

Watch giant pandas Mei Xiang and Tian Tian sliding and rolling around in snow in their habitat at Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington in this video. Source:…

Study: Saving Pandas Led To the Downfall of Other Animals

UPI reports:
Efforts to save the giant panda from extinction have come at the expense of other large mammals, a new study released Monday by the science journal Nature Ecology and Evolution said… Since the giant panda reserves were set up in China during the 1960s, leopards have disappeared from 81% of reserves, snow leopards from 38%, wolves from 77% and Asian…

Chinese nature reserves focus so much on pandas that leopards suffer

China’s conservation efforts to save giant pandas have paid off for the bears, but miserably failed leopards and other carnivores that share their home Source:…

Red panda genes suggest there are actually two different species

Genetic analysis suggests that the Himalayan and Chinese red pandas are two different species that diverged about 200,000 years ago Source:…

Keep raising money to save the pandas – it helps other animals too

Some conservationists have criticised fundraising efforts that focus on “flagship” species like pandas or tigers, warning this could harm less well-known species, but that turns out not to be the case Source:…