Starting a Vertical Garden

Want to know how to start a vertical garden? If you don’t think you have enough space to start your own garden, this may be the answer!   Starting a Vertical Garden I have many friends who wanted to start their own garden but couldn’t because of lack of space. Being a homesteader, I know…Continue Reading
The post Starting a Vertical Garden…

Make A Compost Bin Out Of Pallets

Looking for a great weekend project that will not take your whole weekend? Have some yard cleanup to do anyway? Try this pallet compost bin we built out of repurposed pallets and zip ties. It takes less than an hour, and is actually a great compost bin, due to the way the pallets create structure…Continue Reading
The post Make A Compost Bin…

DIY composting

There are some pretty ingenious ideas in this article about DIY compost bins. I’ve actually done several of these and am still using them.  I use a DIY compost bucket in the kitchen, made from an old butter tub.  At our old house I made my compost bin from salvaged pallets.  I used old coat… Continue reading DIY composting