Trump, Unveiling Space Force Flag, Touts What He Calls New ‘Super-Duper Missile’

The Space Force, the newest military branch, now has an official flag. President Trump unveiled the flag at an Oval Office ceremony Friday where he also signed the 2020 Armed Forces Day Proclamation. NPR reports: The flag design comes from the seal of the Space Force, which was approved by the president in January. It sparked some Star Trek fan outrage…

Trump Administration Drafting ‘Artemis Accords’ Pact For Moon Mining

The Trump administration is drafting a legal blueprint for mining on the moon under a new U.S.-sponsored international agreement called the Artemis Accords, Reuters reported Wednesday. From the report: The agreement would be the latest effort to cultivate allies around NASA’s plan to put humans and space stations on the moon within the next decade, and comes as the civilian space…

This small asteroid zipped closely past Earth this week

A small asteroid, 2020 HS7, passed at nearly the distance of geosynchronous satellites. Source:…

Ancient ‘crazy beast’ from Madagascar had mismatched body and teeth from ‘outer space’

The oldest complete mammal fossil from the Southern Hemisphere is puzzling scientists with its mismatched body, strange skull holes and teeth that look like they’re “from outer space.” Source:

Giant leap for corporations? The Trump administration wants to mine resources in space, but is it legal?

As the world tries to cope with the challenges of 2020, discussions around the use of mined resources from outer space continue to ratchet up. Source:…

One express ticket to Jupiter, please

The team from the Desert Fireball Network at Curtin University has found that Earth acted as a slingshot to alter the orbit of a meteor and propel it back into deep outer space near Jupiter. Source:…

Trump Signs Executive Order To Support Moon Mining, Tap Asteroid Resources

An anonymous reader quotes a report from President Donald Trump signed an executive order today (April 6) establishing U.S. policy on the exploitation of off-Earth resources. That policy stresses that the current regulatory regime — notably, the 1967 Outer Space Treaty — allows the use of such resources. This view has long held sway in U.S. government circles. For example,…

Have the first proteins been found in meteorites?

Researchers say they’ve discovered the first complete proteins inside 2 meteorites. It’s tantalizing, since proteins play a key role in the cells of living creatures. But will the results hold up to scrutiny? Source:…

Skeptic of world being round dies in California rocket crash

A California man who said he wanted to fly to the edge of outer space to see if the world is round has died after his home-built rocket blasted off into the desert sky and plunged back to earth. Source:…