BP Slashes Its Oil Exploration Team by 85%, Starts Switching to Renewables

Reuters reports on big changes at BP (the company formerly known as British Petroleum):
Its geologists, engineers and scientists have been cut to less than 100 from a peak of more than 700 a few years ago, company sources told Reuters, part of a climate change-driven overhaul triggered last year by CEO Bernard Looney. “The winds have turned very chilly in the…

The Geeky Advent Calendar Tradition Continues in 2020

Long-time Slashdot reader destinyland writes: Advent of Code isn’t the only geeky tradition that’s continuing in 2020. “This is going to be the first full year with Raku being called Raku,” notes the site raku-advent.blog. “However, it’s going to be the 12th year (after this first article) in a row with a Perl 6 or Raku calendar, previously published in the…

Satellite data helps climbers ascend Mt. Everest

Data from ESA’s Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite help climbers negotiate a treacherous glacier on the route to Mt. Everest’s summit. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/mt-everest-climbers-use-satellite-data-khumbu-icefall-copernicus-sentinel-2…

June’s old moon and Venus

Here are 2 beautiful images of the very old moon – a waning crescent seen in the east shortly before sunrise – near the brightest planet, Venus. Source: https://earthsky.org/todays-image/photos-old-moon-venus-crescent-june-2020…

Redox-Flow Cell Stores Renewable Energy As Hydrogen

An anonymous reader quotes a report from IEEE Spectrum: Hydrogen is a very good carrier for this type of work,” says Wei Wang, who is the chief scientist for stationary energy storage research at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Washington. It’s an efficient energy carrier, and can be easily stored in pressurized tanks. When needed, the gas can then be…

First direct observation of elusive waves reveals energy channels in solar atmosphere

For the first time, torsional Alfvén waves have been directly observed in the solar corona by a team of researchers from the University of Oslo and the University of Warwick. The discovery sheds light on the origin of magnetic waves and their role in the heating of the sun’s corona. Source: https://phys.org/news/2020-03-elusive-reveals-energy-channels-solar.html…

Was ‘Oumuamua a cosmic dust bunny?

‘Oumuamua – the weird object that entered our solar system in 2017 and quickly fled back toward interstellar space – might not be an asteroid or comet from a distant solar system, as many believed. It might instead be a “cosmic dust bunny.” Source: https://earthsky.org/space/was-oumuamua-a-cosmic-dust-bunny…