6 space missions to look forward to in 2021

Here are some of the space missions to keep an eye out for in 2021. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/6-space-missions-2021-artemis-chandrayaa3-jameswebb…

Component Failure Found in Crew Capsule NASA Hoped to Launch in 2021

The Verge reports that a power component failed on the Orion deep-space crew capsule that NASA hopes to launch (unmanned) from its Space Launch System (or SLS) in late 2021, in a mission called Artemis 1. The problem? It’s buried deep within one of the spacecraft’s power/data units (or PDUs) within the adapter that connects the capsule to its power/propulsion trunk…

The ISS Is Getting a New Toilet This Year

Later this year, the International Space Station will receive a new and improved toilet system designed to bridge the gap between current lavatorial space tech and what humans will need to make extended visits to, say, Mars, in comfort. Space.com reports: It has a fancier name, of course; officially, the commode is NASA’s Universal Waste Management System (UWMS). The launch is…