Celebrating National Superhero Day with Tux, BSD, and more

On National Superhero Day, how would some of our favorite open source tools and mascots look if they were superheroes? Granted, open source tools are already kind of like superpowers in their own right. My take on this challenge is Open Force: Heroes of the Code! (with accompanying illustrations, of course). Download the original Krita art files and desktop wallpaper images for 4k, HD, and…

9 ways to save the planet

What can be done to help save the planet? The question can seem depressing at a time when it feels like an individual’s contribution isn’t enough. But, who are we Earth dwellers if not for a collection of individuals? So, I asked our writer community to share ways that open source software or hardware can be used to make a difference. Here’s what…

4 open source apps for plant-based diets

Reducing your consumption of meat, dairy, and processed foods is better for the planet and better for your health. Changing your diet can be difficult, but several open source Android applications can help you switch to a more plant-based diet.

read more Source: https://opensource.com/article/19/4/apps-plant-based-diets…

8 environment-friendly open software projects you should know

For the last few years, I’ve been helping Greenpeace build its first fully open source software project, Planet 4. Planet 4 is a global engagement platform where Greenpeace supporters and activists can interact and engage with the organization. The goal is to drive people to action on behalf of our planet. We want to invite participation and use people power to…

How to organize with Calculist: Ideas, events, and more

Thoughts. Ideas. Plans. We all have a few of them. Often, more than a few. And all of us want to make some or all of them a reality. Far too often, however, those thoughts and ideas and plans are a jumble inside our heads. They refuse to take a discernable shape, preferring instead to rattle around here, there, and everywhere…

Simplifying organizational change: A guide for the perplexed

Most organizational leaders have encountered a certain paralysis around efforts to implement culture change—perhaps because of perceived difficulty or the time necessary for realizing our work. But change is only as difficult as we choose to make it. In order to lead successful change efforts, we must simplify our understanding and approach to change.

read more Source: https://opensource.com/open-organization/19/4/simplifying-change…

6 alternatives to OpsGenie for managing monitoring alerts

As organizations move toward a new generation of distributed systems and microservice architecture, the DevOps world finds it increasingly difficult to keep up with the hybrid needs of today’s application monitoring, and the alerts it generates. Managing this aspect of IT infrastructure has DevOps professionals turning to up-and-coming serverless methodologies for this purpose. The software implementing this process ranges from…

How to use Ansible to document procedures

“Documentation is a love letter that you write to your future self.” —Damian Conway
I use Ansible as my personal notebook for documenting coding procedures—both the ones I use often and the ones I rarely use. This process facilitates my work and reduces the time it takes to do repetitive tasks, the ones where specific commands in a certain sequence…