Citi Can’t Have Its $900 Million Back

Matt Levine: Last August, Citigroup wired $900 million to some hedge funds by accident. Then it sent a note to the hedge funds saying, oops, sorry about that, please send us the money back. Some did. Others preferred to keep the money. Citi sued them. Yesterday Citi lost, and they got to keep the money. I read the opinion, by U.S….

Amazon Launches In Sweden — But With Embarrassing Translation Issues

united_notions writes: As reported in Sweden’s The Local, Amazon has just launched in the nordic nation, and all the listings are in Swedish… just, not always the right Swedish. For example, “A greetings card depicting a duckling in a field was named söta-ansikte-kuk or ‘sweet-face-dick’.” Oops.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.