The 21 best science documentaries you should watch right now

My Octopus Teacher, Feels Good Man, Spaceship Earth, and Icarus are all great science documentaries available to stream at the moment Source:…

My Octopus Teacher review: The strange lives of cephalopods up close

We understand so little about octopuses that whenever we look we seem to find out more about them. Netflix documentary, My Octopus Teacher, follows filmmaker and naturalist Craig Foster’s attempts to understand them further Source:…

NASA announces Venus rover challenge winners

The Venus rover challenge – called “Exploring Hell” – received a great response from countries around the world. NASA said the design ideas submitted will help advance the final design of a mechanical rover that might one day explore the hellish surface of Venus. Source:…

GitHub Warns Java Developers of New Malware Poisoning NetBeans Projects

GitHub issued a security alert Thursday warning about new malware spreading on its site via boobytrapped Java projects, ZDNet reports:
The malware, which GitHub’s security team has named Octopus Scanner, has been found in projects managed using the Apache NetBeans IDE (integrated development environment), a tool used to write and compile Java applications. GitHub said it found 26 repositories uploaded on its…